As I write this, it is Christmas morning. I am thinking back on Christmas gone by and I remember the people that are no longer with us, my Grandparents, Parents, and many friends. I just wish I had more photographs of them to remember them. I hope that you are getting plenty for you and your family to cherish for years to come.
But it’s not a day to look back, but a day to look forward. Looking forward to continuing my photographic journey. One that FaceBook has reminded me a few times this December that began 7 years ago.
There are many Christmas Traditions all around where I live on the Delmarva Peninsula. I have shot a few photographs of some of those traditions. Some unique to the area, others that just are fun. Many of these photos have been posted on my FaceBook page, Photographs by SG Atkinson and on Instagram at Delmarva Scenes. I hope that you follow them.
As the year comes to a close and a new one begins, I have often been reminded that tomorrow is just another day of adventures. I hope you enjoy my adventures in Photography.
Thank You
Steve Atkinson