You Should Have a Profession Photo Done at All Ages!

Often one thinks Why? Maybe it should be Why Not?

Why is it when I hear the phrase “Senior Pictures” I don’t think of High School Students, but those that have seen a few more years?

I have heard many people as young as in 40’s, and into their 50’s and 60’s say that they are too old to have a Photo Portrait done of them.

We never know which moment will be our last.

Family and Friends would want to remember you. Remember you at your best. And your Grandchildren, nieces and nephews that know you at this age will remember you as you are today..

Cellphone photos are good, but there is often something or someone in the background that is a distractions. Or the background is much brighter than you. You’d be surprise at how many parents have said to me that the photos of their children’s youth are gone, since they were captured by cell phones and are lost.

As your children grow, or your grandchildren, you may want to have them as part as the photo. You can join in when they are doing one of their favorite actives and they will remember how happy they were. In the future they will tell their children about the fun times they enjoyed with you.

With digital photos the only real way to know that you’ll have them is to have them printed. There are many type of ways to have them printed. They could be as individual prints, which there are many different sizes such as 4×6, 5×7, 8×10, 11×14 and many others. Or you could put together a collection and have them printed in an album.

You should have a Portrait done. Now and at all ages!

I’d love to discuss with you about doing a photo session. You can contact me by using the form, emailing me at, or call/text at 410 708-3653.

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