Discover and Develop Your Unique Business Identity

Did you know that you have a Unique Business Identity? A few years ago this was termed your Personal Brand.

You have a Unique Business Identity whether you have created one for yourself or not. It is defined by who you are and what you stand for as an individual. Your reputation. This identity is a culmination of the experiences, skills and values that differentiate you from others.

No matter your field you should be reflecting your real personality. Because you are not the same person as another who is doing the same job or in a similar business, your Unique Business Identity could be vastly different. What they see in you may be exactly who they are seeking.

I can assist you in developing your Unique Business Identity, solidify what you currently have, and assist you with your branding strategy as it relates to Networking and Marketing. Do you have a target audience or customer? Knowing your Unique Business Identity can help you find and target the people you want to work with.

Let’s get together for a Free Consultation. Contact me at or via text at 410-708-3653 (if texting please put you name and Branding in the message)


And for an added piece of advice.

In my view their are four photographs that you have to have at your disposal:

– Professional Head Shot
– Casual Head Shot
– At Work Photo
– At Play Photo

As a photographer I can assist you in getting these four important photographs as well as others for you and your business.

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