Ch-Ch-Ch Changes

It sure has seemed to have been a short summer. I feels as if it was just Memorial Day and we have just celebrated Labor Day. In a lot of ways it seems as if I really haven’t done much. But as I look back on my Facebook Page – Photographs by SG Atkinson, where I have post most of my photographs, I realized that just about every week, often on the Weekend, I went to an event or festival and captured it in photographs.

Pirates of Fortune's Folly at Rock Hall's Pirates and Wenches Weekend

Pirates of Fortune’s Folly at Rock Hall’s Pirates and Wenches Weekend August 2024 . They liked this photo calling it “Awkward Sandwich”

I suppose that one of the reasons it doesn’t seem as if I got a lot accomplished since I have been working on bringing back a couple of projects that I have been languishing in the background. Which is where the title borrowed from a song by David Bowie comes in, since there are changes coming in September

Explore Chesapeake CountryOne of these has been my “Explore Chesapeake Country” through my photos and travels throughout the region. I haven’t really placed any new posts on the site, but I have been refreshing older posts and sharing them via Social Media. And I am going to do more marketing outside of the region.

If you visit the site it’s “Historical Marker Monday”, and a “Drive With Steve”/”Point of Interest” article on Friday. If all goes as planed there will be at least one new piece on each of these day every month.

Speaking of my “Point of Interest” series of articles, I published a number of these on my Art and Entertainment informational site for the Eastern Shore on what had been previously called ChesaDelCrier.  At the beginning of the year I renamed the site Chesapeake Crier with the intention of posting more Press Release and Event Flyers. In July I attended a “Think Tank”  meeting hosted by the Caroline Chamber of Commerce and a big part of that conversation was about lack of communication from the towns to the area businesses. And to their own communities. This spurred me to start the process of posting more information on the Chesapeake Crier Web site as well as the associated Facebook Page,  I am still working on the Business Plan. One of the features I brought back was reposting the previous “Point of Interest” on Fridays. Yes, you got it this is the reason I started doing the Friday “Drive With Steve”/”Point of Interest” on Explore Chesapeake Country. I am not planning for both to have the same re-post every week, but it may.

The summer hasn’t been good to my Fine Art Gift Shop in Greensboro, MD. I will have to make a decision very soon if I want to continue to have it open beyond the Winter Holidays. A lot of that though really depends on how the Chesapeake Crier is doing, as well as a Service I am bringing back. Well not really bring back since I never really offered it.

About this time five years ago I was putting together a service that as a Photographer I would assist business clients not only with getting the correct photographs they would need for their business, but to help them with Networking and Marketing. During the closure of 2020 I did a lot of research and study on Branding and Personal Branding as part of this service. However once we started getting back out in the world in 2021 and I moved into other areas, as a Fine Art Photographer and this service to fell deep in the background. Lately I have pulled out some old postings I did on Networking and Personal Branding and have published a few here. I have begun using the term “Your Unique Business Identity” instead of Person Brand. I think this is a better representation anyway.

Note Revised to new date: On Tuesday September 24th at 5:30pm I am going to do a workshop on this topic.

That pretty much brings everyone up-to-date on what I am planning on doing in September. I would like to remind every one of my “Card of the Month” club. Of course I want to give thanks to all of the members. I would like to have more, so if you aren’t a member yet I am asking for you to join.

Card of the month Cards

Chesapeake Country Photographs 2024-2025 Calendar

Order Direct from Printer

The 2024-25 Chesapeake Country 16 Month Calendar is still available. At least for a couple more months. I will be publishing the 12 Month 2025 Calendar around the 1st of October. At time this one may no longer be available. See to see the photos used.

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