Your Unique Business Identity/Brand

Even individuals need to develop a brand for themselves …. Whatever your area of expertise, you can take steps to make people think of YOU when they think of your field.
– Accelepoint Webzine

It’s relationships that make the biggest difference. In life and in business, how people view you determines their willingness to work with you. Often that view comes from your Unique Business Identity/Branding.

What is Unique Branding?

A few years ago the term was Personal Branding. I have returned it as your Unique Branding. It is the practice of marketing people and their careers as brands. An ongoing process of developing and maintaining a reputation and impression of you. Whether it is of you as an individual, an organization or a group.

An important element in your branding are photographs. Photographs tell a powerful story.

Who uses a Brand Photographer?
An entrepreneur!

You could be an artist, author, speaker, community leader, corporate leader, sales person or business owner (size doesn’t matter since all businesses are a business, those with nation wide structures or as small as the one person home business).

Branding photography is a mixture of portraits, product and lifestyle photos. The session and photographs are personalized for you, showing your character, your environment, and what it is like to work with you. Today people want to connect with you on a personal level. You can share your story to them through these photographs.

This can be done in a single session or multiple sessions throughout the year.

Where do you use Branding Photographs?
– On your website
– On your social media profiles
– In your email marketing
– In press releases
– In your marketing materials

The old standard Headshot is outdated. Fun photos are what people want to see today.

There’s More!

Having the photographs are only one step in your branding.

Do you know Your Unique Brand? Do you have a Brand Vision Statement; A Target Audience; Are you consistent throughout all platforms, Social Media, on the Web and Print?

Need help in developing Your Unique Brand?

Let’s Talk

Let’s get together for a “get to know one another other” with a FREE 30-60 minute conversation and start to develop a relationship. One that will enhance us both. If you are located in or close to Kent, Queen Anne’s or Caroline Counties, we can meet in person. Or via a Zoom call.

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